Role Modeling a Healthy Lifestyle for Long Term Care Leaders

Healthy Lifestyle for Long Term Care Leaders

Introduction:  As leaders in the field of long-term care, it is our duty to exemplify a healthy lifestyle, in terms of physical well-being and work-life balance. By doing so, we not only promote our own health, but also inspire our leadership teams and employees to prioritize their well-being. While this may seem like a daunting task, numerous resources offer guidance on achieving this ideal. One notable figure is Peter Attia, MD, the author of "Outlive: The Science & Art of Longevity."  Attia brings the concept of healthy living into the realm of reality, emphasizing that our actions today impact our ability to enjoy a vibrant life in the years to come. This realization has been truly eye-opening.

1.  Setting a Higher Bar: Previously, I believed that lifting weights twice a week was sufficient for maintaining my physical fitness. However, Attia's research and insights suggest that, to truly optimize our health, both men and women should aim to lift weights four times a week. This revelation has urged me to reevaluate my routine and push myself further. It is vital for us, as long-term care leaders, to recognize that our choice today will shape our quality of life in the future.  

2.  Expanding Our Horizons: In our profession, we witness firsthand the consequences of individuals who neglect their daily physical activity. By taking action now, we can not only improve our own health but also serve as an inspiration to those around us. Let us prioritize weightlifting, but not stop there. Engaging in activities such as running, biking or any other form of exercise that we enjoy can help us maintain an active and fulfilling lifestyle. Encouraging our employees to join us in these endeavors creates a culture of well-being within our organization.  

3.  The Power of Encouragement: Supporting our employees on their health journeys is crucial. As leaders, we can offer motivation and guidance to those who may be just beginning their fitness pursuits. By sharing our own experiences and the benefits we have witnessed, we can inspire them to make positive changes in their lives. This not only fosters a sense of camaraderie among the team but also enhances overall morale and productivity.  

Conclusion: As long-term care leaders, we have a unique opportunity to role model a healthy lifestyle and promote it among our teams. Following the advice of experts like Peter Attia, we can embrace physical fitness and work-life balance as essential components of our lives. By lifting weights four times a week, and engaging in other forms of exercise, we can ensure that we not only live longer, but also thrive in our later years. Let us take this responsibility seriously and encourage our employees to embark on their own wellness journeys. Together, we can create a culture of well-being that enhances the lives of everyone involved.

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